Our purpose in organizing this non-profit association is to help people appreciate and understand art, cultivate artistic literacy, and use art to release mental issues. Have art as a bridge to unite diversity and achieve compassion and kindness. We promote various art exhibitions, host and co-organize art training for youth and adults, conduct lectures and serve community art events. We provide platforms, including programs, workshops, exhibitions, and our social media sources.
Membership is open to all persons over 18 years of age, who pay annual dues and who remain in good standing with the organization. In exceptional cases, a membership may be terminated for cause by the Board members. New members and renewal applications require signatures acknowledging an awareness of the need for each member's altruistic commitment to cooperate for the common good of our all volunteer organization. Membership applications are due annually, with the exception of board members. Any member who does not properly apply for renewal within the allotted time will be at risk of losing individual acquired status and membership benefits. All dues must be kept paid up to date. Lapses of membership will result in loss of accreditation, either acquired or partial. If membership is not current, any acquired AAArtistsSociety membership status awards are no longer valid and may not be used on personal credentials.
Board Members
Currently, board members are BiLan Liao, Gloria W. Chan, and WeiXin Xu. Board members are not available to be selected by the members of AAArtistsSociety at this moment. The Board members granted general authority, as a policymaking body, to take all legitimate actions appropriate to the proper functioning of the organization and the advancement of its interests. The Board shall meet at the Board Meeting not less than once a year. Board members are authorized to conduct organization business, including electronic mail, telephone or other appropriate methods. The quorum for Board meetings will be a majority of the executive officers and chairs of standing committees.
All AAArtistsSociety organization and business related correspondence to be distributed via print, mail or e-mail, etc. to the non-member public or members will be routed through appropriate channels. To avoid unnecessary confusion, all such correspondence must be read and preapproved by the board members. Unauthorized use of the roster or member contact information is not permitted. Service related or necessary internal memos between members are approved exceptions.
Board meetings
One or two orientation meetings may be scheduled annually for board members covering guidelines, volunteer training, mission etc. The purpose of such meetings is to support member education about the AAArtistsSociety's purpose, procedure and goals. Board members may be asked to attend additional meetings for administrative orientation. Under extraordinary circumstances when it is not possible to hold the meeting in person, a digital or online means will occur.
Financial/Inventory accountability
Pre-approval must be obtained from the immediate supervisor for expenses to be reimbursed. All expenses must be submitted on the official AAArtistsSociety expense form, signed by the board members and accompanied with related receipts when submitted. To maintain accurate inventory records and accountability, members must sign for possession of AAArtistsSociety's property and return property to board members upon ending their assigned jobs.
Ethical accountability
Members serving in voluntary capacities may have access to member contact information or membership roster lists. The information contained in these membership lists are for AAArtistsSociety related uses only and may not be abused by unauthorized distribution or contact, communication, etc. Those members who work with juried exhibition or other competition submissions may not tamper with entries or the fairness of the event or jury process, or Member Choice Award selection in any way. Members with access to AAArtistsSociety's property and library inventories may not distribute or make unauthorized copies, nor unofficially remove any property from the AAArtistsSociety's collections. Members may not purposely use AAArtistsSociety opportunities to contact other organizations to promote themselves, their personal art business or other unrelated interests. AAArtistsSociety's positions are not an implied endorsement for anyone's career and business. Members may provide personal promotion materials at juried exhibition events in which their work appears and may list membership in the AAArtistsSociety on their personal credentials and materials ONLY if they have attained Juried status and above. Members acting on behalf of the AAArtistsSociety on various committees may not involve the AAArtistsSociety in unauthorized or non-mission related projects, event or publicity opportunities. All press or media communications that mention the AAArtistsSociety must have prior authorization. Board members are required to maintain the highest ethical and professional level of character as public representative of the AAArtistsSociety as well as perform certain educational/ outreach efforts.
All stipulations in each exhibition prospectus must be followed exactly. Please provide only artwork that has been accepted by the juror by the stated time for delivery and remove it within the time set forth for removal. Failure to do so will result in being prohibited from participating in the next one or two exhibitions. Please make every responsible effort to help our exhibition members and make these valued events run smoothly.
Advertising policy
AAArtistsSociety's website may not be used to advertise any non AAArtistsSociety sponsored event or news. The AAArtistsSociety roster or contact list of members may not be used to distribute any non related information without board members approval. The board members reserve the right to reject advertising for any non AAArtistsSociety sponsored educational opportunity or for profit entity for any reason.